
Neuro Ophthalmic issues are quite a concern for doctors; for if not treated on time, it could result in Optic Nerve atrophy (death of the optic nerve).

Some of the most common signs of Optic Nerve Dysfunction include:

  • Reduced visual activity all of a sudden
  • Double vision and headaches
  • A less reactive pupil (pupil is the central part of the eyeball that allows light to pass through)
  • Impairment of color vision (especially inability to identify red & green colours)
  • Difficulty in seeing light (Photophobia)
  • Visual Field Defects (visibility coverage)

Our Best doctors will ideally be able to pick up an optic nerve issue during an eye examination. A brain CT scan or an MRI is then typically done to assess whether there is associated damage in the brain as well. While some conditions can be treated with oral medications and injectables, others might require surgery.